ehsaas rashan program portal online apply

Registration on the Ehsaas Rashan program portal began on Tuesday, November 8, 2021.

Special Assistant to Prime Minister Imran KhanDr. Sania Nashtar announced the “Ihsas Rashan Program (Ehsaas Rashan Program) officially in her interview on Sunday after the success of Ihsas Rashan 12000. This program will be implemented after the eligible families successfully register through the Ihsas Rashan online portal.

Ihsas Rashan 2023 program will help low-income families and poor families who earn less than 30,000 per month. The purpose of initiating the Ahsaas Rashan program is to increase inflation across Pakistan, especially the low-rated families who have been disturbed by the current inflation situation.

Dr. said. Sanya: “Currently, this system should operate transparently on a large scale and create its acceptance for the masses; the amount of support or the number of goods can be increased through a single policy decision.”

Note: The online Rashan registration form is available here for both Al-Osra and Dokander below but please read the information before applying.

Importance & Benefits of Ehsaas Rashan Program 2023

Everyone knows the current inflation situation in Pakistan and that’s why the government is taking a big step to support poor families through the ‘Rashan Sensation Program’.

The most important factor in this program Ehsaas Rashan Madded is to help families while purchasing necessary food items from the Kariana store at a 30% discount on large items such as pulses, cooking oil (ghee), sugar, and flour.

Ehsaas Rashan package has been successfully introduced by the National Bank of Pakistan and the Government Sensation Program.

The Ehsaas Rashan program will provide 1,000 to 20 million families with the purchase of daily food staples from Karyana registered stores. According to probable statistics, about 130 million people will benefit from the Ehsaas Rashan program.

READ MORE:  Ehsaas Ration Program Online Registrations 2023– How to apply

10, 00,000 Kiriyana stores operating in Pakistan, if they have active bank accounts, they will be eligible to register as a merchant through the online Ehsaas Rashan program portal.

Ehsaas Rashan online Registration 2023 Complete Details:

These buyers will be eligible for the Ehsaas Rashan program with a monthly income of less than Rs: 31,000 to purchase food items such as flour, cooking oil, or ghee, and pulses at discounted prices from any Kiryana or registered utility shop from across Pakistan.

You can buy any branded food items by applying a 30% discount on the price from any Karyana store.

If you are eligible then apply for Rashan sense via Rashan pass gov pk 2021. You can register only through Rashan online portal, don’t worry about the registration process. I will guide you below:

Update Note: Online registration for Ehsaas Raashan is still open for eligible families, whose monthly income is less than 31,000, and can easily apply online through the Ehsaas Raashan portal.

When you visit the Ehsaas Rashan portal website on your mobile phone or computer, you can see 3 main titles Home Page, Register to Register for Ehsaas Rashan & Karyana Merchant.

Ration Card Online Apply Pakistan

You will get your Ehsaas Ration Card when the Ahsas Rashan Program is fully implemented across Pakistan. However, merchant registrations are still in progress. online Registration 2023 Step by Step:

Registration for Ihsas Rashan has officially started on November 8, 2021 on the Rashan portal.

  • You must have a valid ‘CNIC Card’ to apply.
  • You must have a Sim card registered to your CNIC number.
  • Only one family member will be registered in the Rashan package through the Ehsaas Rashan program portal.
  • After submitting the Rashan form online on the Ehsaas Rashan program portal, you will receive a confirmation letter from the registration of Ehsaas Rashaan 8171 Program Rarely after 4 weeks.
  • Ehsaas Rashan Online Check the registration on 8171
READ MORE:  How do you send CNIC 8171 Web Portal 2023?

Kiryana Dukan (Merchant) Ahsas Rashan Program online Registration:

Ehsaas Rashan Program 2023 Online registration for Kiryana Dukan Merchant is open, register now on the form below:

  • Karyana dealers will be registered by the National Bank of Pakistan.
  • Karyana merchants can download “Mobile Point of Sale” for Android app by NBP from Google App Store.
  • The Karyana Business program must be financial before applying to the Ehsaas Program.
  • The business owner of Karyana must have a bank account.

Kiryana dukandar Ehsaas Rashan program Online Registration Form:

Please click on the button below to proceed with the online registration process, please fill in the form with the correct information otherwise your registration will be considered canceled.

Upon successful registration, you will receive a 30% discount on the Ehsaas Rashan package on 5 main food items.

Register for your Family Sense Ration Discount Program

Register at the Ehsaas Ration Discount web portal below to get 30% off 5 home food items:

Ehsaas Program CNIC check online Registration 2023

You can easily register your family on mobile without the internet, step by step instructions are below:

  • Write a message with your 15-digit CNIC number
  • Send it to 8171.
  • After 3 weeks, you will get a confirmation letter to become a family registered with the Ehsaas Ration Discount Program.

How to Get Ehsaas Ration Card & Online Registration Process

Without Ehsaas Ration Card, you will not get any Rashan package from Kiryana or from service stores, you have to register yourself online on the Ehsaas Rashan Program portal. To register please click on the green button available below.

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When your data is stored in the Ehsaas database system, you will be notified to receive your Ehsaas Ration Card.

Sim & CNIC registered in Ehsaas catering card must be brought to any Kiryana store or gadget store to purchase Rashan items, otherwise, you will not get any items through Ehsaas Madad.

Ehsaas Rashan program online Registration form for Families 2023

You can now apply for Ration Card online from all over Pakistan, kindly click on the Ehsaas Rashan button to register online below:

Ehsaas Rashan Program Last Date 2023:

The Ahsan Rashan Program portal will be open from November 8 to November 14 – 2021 for beneficiaries (Kiryana Merchants).

Watch Dr. Sania Nishtar Interview:

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